by Anicia E. Monton

Inspite of the COVID-19 pandemic, the SMEA Team spearheaded with Mrs. Loida L. Rongcales, school focal person and her team conducted the final monitoring & evaluation of the three School Projects for SY 2020 – 2021 last July 19, 2021.
The Project team Leaders and members confided on the following projects; Project: Share All Possible Opportunities for Learners (SAPOL) under access headed by Mrs. Jema Fe E. Crave; Project: Learn, Engage, Achieve Reading and Numeracy Skills (LEARNS) headed by Mrs. Renelyn T. Pinapit and Project: Facilities Improvement for Safety, Healthy and Protective School (FISHProS) headed by Mr. Ryan E. Balaoro. All the project team Leaders unveiled the different interventions they conducted to address gaps in all projects with all the means of verification (MOV’s).
A 5-Slide deck powerpoint presentation will be prepared by the SMEA team for the DMEA validation to follow.